Onward Aerostats
Why Onward's Aerostats?
Onward Helium Replenishment System (OHRS) Patents
Onward Wind Tolerance Systems (OWTS)
OWTS consists of a dynamic adaptive harness to stabilize tethered aerostats by controlling angle of flight within a stability zone geometric suspension control system. More particularly, the inventions relate to the application of an adaptive adjustable cable harness with a flight angle control cable winch and/or a canard sail connected to the aerostat and flight angle control cables alone or together with a lift gas replenishment system to provide dynamic adaptability to high wind conditions for long term flight.
Onward Wind Tolerance System (OWTS) Patents
Filed October 9, 2018
Utility Patent (Active Control)
US # 16/155852
Filed October 9, 2018
Design Patent (Passive Control)
US #29/651594
Passive Canard Bridle Stabilization
For low winds, the canard sail is not pushed back by the wind. Hence the front bridles keep the canard in the up position.
For high winds, the canard sail is pushed back strongly by the wind until it is pressed hard against the lower front envelop skin. This pulls the fore bridles all the way up to bring the Tether Attach Point (TAP) further to the fore and closer to the fore bottom section of the hull skin.
Keeping TAP at or near the centerline of CBM and within a stability zone is only possible with an aerostat integrated with OWTS operating the geometric suspension control system by changing tension and length of harness cables in relation to TAP.